Nick Fisher - Blog

Building a (Mini) 3D Flutter Game Engine - Part 1


I've been working on flutter_filament for some time now, a package that enables cross-platform 3D rendering in Flutter apps with the <a hr...

Static Blog Generator with Dart & Jaspr


I was happy to recently discover the jaspr project, a Dart framework for generating dynamic and static HTML/JS pages with a pseudo-Flutter syntax. It's a fa...

3D PBR with Flutter - Talk at Singapore Flutter Meetup


Here are the slides...

Dialog validation with F# code quotations and computation expressions


In my last post, I wrote about using FParsec to build a user input validator with parser combinators. For par...

Building a dialog system with F# parser combinators


For most of us, when it comes to manipulating or interpreting some chunk of plain text, our first instinct will be to reach for regular expressions. That's understandable - regular expressio...

Backpropagation with asymmetric weights


A number of recent papers have explored learning in deep neural networks without backpropagation, oft...

Calling F#/.NET code from Flutter with Mono


I'm obliged to issue a severe warning to anyone who found their way here. DO NOT DO anything I explain below. Seriously. I'd sooner recommend juggling a pair of flamin...

Nelder Mead Optimization with F# + Fable


Gradient descent is a spectacularly effective optimization technique, but it's not the only method for optimizing non-convex functions. There are a number of alternative numerical methods that can ...

WPF ItemsSource not updating when items added to ObservableCollection?


Let's say our WPF application has an ItemsControl whose ItemsSource is bound to an ObservableCollection. {{&lt; highlight python &gt;}} <UserControl x:Class="Lexico.View.UserControl1" xmlns="http:/...

Conditional Random Fields for Company Names


Let's assume we have a sequence of words, and we want to predict, as accurately as possible, whether each word is a name, verb, or some other part of speech. This is equivalent to predicting...